The ten tracks on this album are among the best instrumentals I’ve heard all year. Professor Johnny p’s juke joint Instrumental album of the year Richard Ludmerer Funky, dirty at times and played with the confidence of musicians who have made a name for themselves in one of the most competitive environments for cutting it […]
Energy is an all-live instrumental record that describes one day of living in New York City. The album opens with a wake-up alarm (‘Wake Up and Do Something’) and propels the listener from the morning shower to the grueling commute (‘I-286 Grind’) to a busy day in an NYC office. The day breaks up for […]
Baron of the Blues is a down-home blues record tracked by Hugh Pool at his fabled Excello recording studio in Brooklyn, New York. As with all Big Apple Blues albums, the entire album was recorded live with Barry’s authentic vocals recorded while simultaneously playing the drum tracks. A mix of Barry’s originals and blues classics, […]
If you want to hear how Big Apple Blues really sounds live and uninhibited, this is a must have album. Recorded in a small NYC club using only a stereo microphone into 1970’s Ampegs half-inch tape recorder by one of the most revered NYC studio engineers, Hugh Pool, no overdubs or additional takes. If you […]
Included on this Stone Tone release are covers of songs by Chess Records legends like Howlin’ Wolf and Willie Dixon, as well as tracks by a pair of former Muddy Waters harmonica-playing sidemen in Little Walter and Junior Wells. Big Apple Blues also tosses in a couple of Big Easy classics by Dave Bartholomew, including […]